Net cleaning rigs
A wide range of rugged rig models are available with up to 7 cleaning discs.
A wide range of rugged rig models are available with up to 7 cleaning discs.
AKVA Net Cleaners uses rotating cleaning discs mounted on cleaning rigs in various shapes and combinations. We use rugged, tailor-made high-pressure pumps to drive the cleaning discs.
The cleaning process starts with submerging the rig on the inside of the net, using only seawater under high pressure. Our Cleaning Systems do not use chemicals or scrubbing action. This is environmentally friendly and will not damage the nets.
Heavy Duty centre bearing with siliciumcarbide pressure housing means fewer service calls and minimal downtime.
The cleaning discs are generally delivered with 40 cm diameter. They can also be offered in 30 cm or 50 cm diameter.
All Net cleaners are offered with a smooth front rail in stainless steel that ensures minimal wear of the net.
A movable camera on the rig makes it possible to zoom in on details and provides full control of the washing process.
New simple single disc system for smaller pens: The disc is mounted on a shaft and operated in the sea by a single person.
The large Net Cleaners can be operated in automatic mode by two persons using a crane, winch, cap stand or as an integrated option on ROV. (Remotely Operated Vehicle) The smallest Net Cleaners can easily be operated from the pen by a single person.
Effective Net Cleaning reduces disease and stimulates growth.
Growth curve for salmon:
The need for oxygen rises when the water temperature increases. This curve is almost identical for most aquaculture species.