AKVA group Land Based is opening a new RAS office in Trondheim to assume an even stronger position in the Norwegian market.

Ole Jonny Nyhus_AKVA group
The new office will be headed by Ole Jonny Nyhus. 

“We’re experiencing an increased demand for our services and have been growing fast during the last couple of years. In 2018, we opened a Sales and Service Office in Bergen, and now we’re expanding further more with an additional office in Trondheim. This will become our head office for RAS projects in Norway,” says Morten Nielsen, COO Land Based in AKVA group. 

Closer to the customer

The new office in Trondheim will house RAS technology specialists and will play an important role in managing and coordinating the company’s Norwegian RAS projects. Ole Jonny Nyhus, who has extensive experience with land based projects from AKVA group Land Based’s engineering department at Sømna, will head the office. 

“By establishing a new office we will not only increase our presence in the Norwegian market, but also get closer to our customers. RAS projects are incredibly complex, with advanced technology and major investments in play. Thus, this is an important strategic move to provide our customers with the best possible support throughout the project life,” Nyhus says.


International team

The Trondheim office is strategically placed in the center of the Norwegian industry. The office will have a close collaboration with the other units within AKVA group Land Based, in particular the Danish department, which comprises a large group of RAS specialists with extensive international experience. The land based division in AKVA group has already had a close cooperation across boarders through several years, and is now counting 160 employees in Norway, Denmark and Chile.

“The experience and expertise we possess as a team is our biggest strength. But it is also important to be able to adjust to local needs and maintain a physical presence to our customers. The development of the Norwegian maket is very exciting and through the establishment of a separate RAS office in Norway we aim to assume an even stronger position in the market,” says Morten Nielsen.   

Find more information about AKVA group's land based services here