Submersible net for lower lice pressure and good fish health.
Submersible net for lower lice pressure and good fish health.
Nautilus has been developed based on experiences with Atlantis and TubenetTM, where the roof and air dome are identical to that used in Atlantis.
The difference between Atlantis and Nautilus is that with Nautilus, the floating pen remains at the surface while the net structure itself is lowered. Nautilus is largely based on well-known equipment for fish farming and is thus somewhat easier to operate.
By operating at depth, it is possible to optimise the conditions for the fish and avoid, for example, lice or other impacts on the surface. The solutions are cost-effective. With our experts and modelling tools, we can help you find out which sites are suitable for deep farming.
So far, we have developed four versions of Nautilus (see the figure below). Our experience to date is that the choice of solution will vary from location to location. Factors impacting the choice of solution will be depth, current, temperature and other environmental conditions.
Our Marine Engineering department can help you determine which version is best suited for your location.
The operational setup is continuously developed together with key partners.
Picture: The principle for filling a swim bladder in an air dome.
Picture: We deliver camera setups customized to Nautilus.
Published by Institute of Marine Research:
Warren-Myers F., Vågseth, T., Folkedal, O., Stien L.H., Fosse, J.O., Dempster, T., Oppedal, F., 2022.
Full production cycle, commercial scale culture of salmon in submerged sea-cages with air domes reduces lice infestation, but creates production and welfare challenges. Aquaculture 548, 737570.
Oppedal, F., Folkedal, O., Stien, L.H., Vågseth, T., Fosse, J.O., Dempster, T., Warren-Myers, F., 2020.
Atlantic salmon cope in submerged cages when given access to an air dome that enables fish to maintain neutral buoyancy. Aquaculture 525. 735286
Sievers, M., Korsøen, Ø., Warren-Myers, F., Oppedal, F., Macaulay, G., Folkedal, O., Dempster, T.,
2021. Submerged cage aquaculture of marine fish: a review of the biological challenges and opportunities. Reviews in Aquaculture
Final report Atlantis Subsea Farming:
17_atlantis subsea farming sluttrapport.pdf (