10.000 fish were deployed in Atlantis Subsea Farming´s submersible pen in May. The first experiences are positive.


Approximately 10.000 deloused fish at 3,6 kg were transferred to the pen in May and slaughtered in July. The depth of the air dome was about 22-24 meter below the surface and the floater around 30 meters deep.

"Close surveillance of the fish revealed normal behaviour and feeding pattern throughout the whole period. The growth was about the same compared to ordinary pens at the site. The conclusion is that the fish learned to use the air dome in order to fill the swim bladder sufficiently," Project Manager Trude Olafsen says.

Different methods for netting the fish from the pen are tested in the project.

"We are continuously building competence and experiences with the lice control system," Olafsen says.

The pen and belonging technology are certified after NS 9415. The first prototype of the system was completed in May 2019 at Gjerdinga – a site location owned by SinkabergHansen north of Trøndelag, Norway. Atlantis Subsea Farming AS is owned by SinkabergHansen, AKVA group and Egersund Net.

Video from the production in May: